Monday, July 23, 2012

Garden Party 2012

This is my 30th NMFN Garden Party and one thing I can say with
certainty.....they are typically HOT and Muggy!  We usually start
with a cold drink (Arnold Palmer for me and a wine or beer for
David)  We then move on to find Saz's ribs, brats, sushi, etc.....
A ride on the zoo mobile is usually next followed by dessert
behind the Penguin Pen.  Luckily, their lovely scent stays outside the
 Rachel Schwartz, daughter #3, joined us for the festivities!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

2012 Root & Wing Run

Northwestern Mutual's 35th annual Root & Wing Run began this morning
at 8:00 am.  This is a competition between the home office employees &
agents.  It's a great kick off for the annual meeting. (Ashley looks tired
before it even begins!)

 These are some of the agents from Ashley's Mitchell Beer Agency in CA
 The starting line is up ahead.  The serious runners get to go first and the
slow people with baby strollers, etc...are in the rear.  We are somewhere
in the middle.
 We have a new general agent, Matt Lieder.  To congratulate David on such
an awesome year he sent us this beautiful bouquet.  I like him already!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ashley's Home!

Ashley is here for the annual meeting and once that ends
next Wednesday we head up north! We had a last minute pizza
party with Grandma, Grandpa, Heidi, Aunt Anita, Tanya, Christie,
Ashley, Uncle Mike, Dad & Torry.  It was a gorgeous night to
hang out on the patio.  Doesn't Maggie have spoooooky eyes????

Joanie Zeier Poole

Joanie Zeler Poole was our guest speaker this month for North Shore
Quilt Guild.  She is an AMAZING quilter who has won numerous
awards.  She learned from the best....Diane Gaudinski!

    Show and tell time.....

I love these floral pictures I took in Cedarburg and I especially love
the picture of the bicycle that I took up north.  I may even frame that one.

This artist was painting a scene of downtown Cedarburg!

Practice time!

I took this class a few years ago and finally finished it.
It was good practice for my free motion quilting.

We have been working on the guest cabin in St. Germain.  
David has spent days working on the driveway and spreading
grass seed & top soil. I tore down all the wall paper 
(tiny piece by tiny piece) and then ended up having drywall put up.  
What a waste of 3 days :-(

There is an artist in Minocqua that I would love to have
paint this eagle on the small cabin.  Perhaps this is a 
future project for me????  You never know.....

Sunday, June 24, 2012

 This is a wall hanging I am making for my Mom's 75th birthday in August.
We found some lovely tea cups and saucers in her attic that we plan on
hanging on the shelf above it.  I still need to do all the thread work and
add borders, etc...

I moved my sewing room into our sunroom
and I absolutely LOVE the lighting and wide
open space.  I have several bird feeders outside
my window that provide me with lots of

Saturday, April 21, 2012

 On April 11th, Ashley's 24th birthday, we
celebrated by going on a Warner Brother's
tour, viewing the taping of Conan, and
finished off the day with a fabulous Italian
meal at one of Ashley's favorite restaurants.

 The Batman exhibit was pretty cool with
all the original cars from the movie.
   My absolute favorite was seeing the actual
flying car from the Harry Potter movies.
They had a museum floor dedicated to a
bunch of the costumes, accessories, etc....
but unfortunately I couldn't take any
pictures in there.

 Ashley and Matt's favorite part was seeing
the stage for the filming of Friends.

We had to have a "Pigeon
intervention" and remove
two eggs off her patio.
It took three of us (Hanna,
David and myself) to
remove the eggs.  Hilarious!

We spent two nights at Ashley's apartment and
then ventured down to Manhattan Beach where
we stayed until our departure on Sunday.

 We spent our last full day
at Disneyland and had a

This bratty little kid just HAD
to pop her head in while her
mom took the picture!  :-(

We are in a little honey pot waiting to enter
the Winnie the Pooh ride (Ashley's idea!)
Oh to be a kid again.......

What would a trip to Disney be without a train ride?

We took the tram to downtown Disney
where we ate at ESPN, got TONS of
junk food and had fun trying on furry

 These pictures are from a ride we
were on that broke down.  It was
quite the experience!

 The Disney parade is always a highlight!

We are waiting in line for the Star Wars