Sunday, May 15, 2011

Photo A Day Project

On one of the blogs I frequent, they had a challenge of posting a Photo A Day for a year.  I'm not sure if I am up to it, considering my track record of finishing what I start, but here goes.  For day one I chose to post one of  my favorite dogs.  I felt the need to post both dogs, as to not show favoritism.  Above is Lilly, the active, silly one, and below is Maggie "the Queen Bee".  The reason for this title is simple. She isn't super active and loves to sit on my lap no matter what I am doing (typing on the computer, knitting, quilting etc.... she has to be there)
Now, it's not that I favor my dogs over my family members.  It's just that they are willing to sit and be photographed over and over and over.  :-)  Now it's off to get my workroom organized before I leave for my Ipad workshop.  I'll let you know how it goes.

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