Sunday, July 24, 2011

Karel Hendee comes to NSQG

Karel Hendee gave a fascinating talk on the silk worm and harvesting silk.  
She showed us how to paint on silk and talked about the different fabric paints.

She is extremely down to earth and the kind of person you would love to be
friends with.  After our guild meeting, we headed up to the Wisconsin Quilt
Museum in Cedarburg and had a tour of the new facilities.  Amazing!  It is really
going to be an important facility, bringing in talent from all over the world.
(Kind of a Paducah of the North!)  After a quick lunch, Karel gave us a lesson
in dyeing silk and making a landscape with additional fabrics.  It was a very
enjoyable day!

1 comment:

  1. I need to get over to check out the new museum too. Sounds like you had a fun day!
